The benefit of being connected to the Internet is that it expands classroom teaching dramatically by making many fascinating resources, including original source materials from all over the world, available to the students, teacher, and media specialists. It brings information, data, images, and even computer software into the classrooms from places around the globe, and it does this almost instantaneously. Access to these resources can involve students in individual and group projects, cross-cultural collaborations, and idea sharing not found in schools that lack Internet access.
Computer networks can be a great motivator for students, and their use encourages the kind of dependence and autonomy that many educators agree is important for students to achieve in their learning process. Because the Internet is blind to class, race, gender, age, ability and disability, it is a valuable means for addressing the needs of all students.
While the benefits of the Internet are enormous, parents need to be aware that the Internet is an open system that contains pockets of material that many people would disapprove of and keep away from their children. Sacred Heart School will make every effort to prevent your child’s access to inappropriate materials on the Internet, but we cannot guarantee that he/she will not encounter text, pictures or references that are objectionable. We ask your assistance in developing responsible attitudes, reinforcing appropriate behaviors, and observing security practices on the network.
I. Acceptable Use Guidelines
To get Internet access for your child, you must do the following:
1. Read this entire section and ensure that you understand these terms and agree to abide by them.
2. Sign the Internet Agreement at registration.
II. Network Responsibilities
1. Sacred Heart School will have an account that can be used to access the Internet. Everyone who logs on to the Internet is responsible for all activity under that account. Transmission of any material in violation of any U.S. or state regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening, harassing, or obscene material, pornographic material, or material protected by trade secret.
2. Use for commercial activities by for-profit institutions, product advertisement or political lobbying is prohibited.
3. No use of this network shall serve to disrupt its use by other individuals or by connecting networks.
4. It is beneficial for all users to keep the network running efficiently. Each user must take responsibility for keeping down costs and avoiding system disruption.
5. Any traffic from this network that traverses another network is also subject to that network’s acceptable use policy.
6. User must respect others privacy and intellectual property.
7. All communication and information accessible via the network should be assumed to be private property. Any sources used in research must be cited and credit given to the author.
8. The legal rights of software producers and network providers, and copyright and license agreement, must be honored.
9. Users have a right to be informed about personal information that is being, or has been, collected about them and to review this information.
10. Security on any computer system is high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you feel you can identify a security problem on the internet, you must notify your teacher. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users. The Internet will be accessed from classrooms.